Tele-Pak Supplier Diversity Policy
In an effort to continuously improve our business relationships, Tele-Pak, Inc. is committed to pursuing business opportunities with Minority-owned and Women-owned businesses (M/WBE). We seek relationships that provide value both to Tele-Pak Inc., to our customers, as well as the minority- or woman-owned business enterprise itself. The development of this policy is in no way a philanthropic activity, nor does it require the relaxation of current purchasing practices.
Our supplier diversity objectives are:
- Encourage participation in and support for supplier diversity requesting M/WBE status when searching for new suppliers who can provide high-quality commodities at a competitive price.
- Make this information known to business partners and customers we service.
- Encourage our major suppliers to participate in and support supplier diversity by conducting business with MWBEs.
All Tele-Pak Inc. management and employees share in this commitment and are instructed to fulfill these objectives when procuring materials and services for Tele-Pak Inc.
Tele-Pak encourages the development of mutually-beneficial business relationships, particularly with M/WBEs.
- We will, to the best of our ability, make sure M/WBEs are aware of our diversity policy and encourage them to participate in whatever business opportunities Tele-Pak may have.
- As stated in our objectives, we will inquire about our supplier’s M/WBE status, and encourage them to participate in supplier diversity by also offering business opportunities to MWBEs.
- Employees involved in the selection of purchasing materials or services for Tele-Pak, Inc. will ask for a copy of a company’s M/WBE status from which Tele-Pak does business.
- Tele-Pak will keep its records up-to-date by requesting M/WBE status information annually from its vendors.
The M/WBEs are defined as follows on the New York State web site Definition of a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) - … a WBE is a business enterprise in which at least 51% is owned, operated and controlled by citizens or permanent resident aliens who are women.
Definition of a Minority-Owned Business Enterprise (MBD) - … an MBE is a business enterprise in which at least 51% is owned, operated and controlled by citizens or permanent resident aliens who are meet the following ethnic definitions: Black (Persons having origins from any of the Black African racial groups), Hispanic (Persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, Central or South American descent of either Native American or Latin American origin, regardless of race), Asian-Pacific (Persons having origins from the Far East, Southeast Asia or the Pacific Islands, Asian-Indian Subcontinent (Persons having origins from the Indian subcontinent), and Native-American or Alaskan-Native (Persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America).
Revised 5/26/2016